Saturday, March 2, 2013

PDL 22

The Video
Purpose #1 - worship
Purpose #2 - fellowship
Purpose #3 - discipleship, how God makes us more Christ like
The Audio
God made you to grow up spiritually. God wants us to grow up to be like Christ - to become fully alive. It is going to take your entire life. How do we learn to become more Christ like?
   1. Worship
   2. Fellowship
   3. Growing
   4. Serving
   5. Sharing
In all things God works for the good of those who love him. While (as you get older) your body is getting weaker, your character is getting stronger. If God is going to make you like Jesus Christ, has going to take you through what Jesus went through. 
He gives us three unexpected tools to do this:
   1. Troubles - to teach us to trust him
   2. Temptation - to teach us to obey God
   3. Trespasses - things to teach us to grow up
1. Troubles. God is far more interested in what you are, than what you do. If you are good at something and love to do it, then that what God wants you to do. Make use of your gifts.
Every problem has a purpose - to make us grow up. Pray like Jesus did the night before he died:
   A) I know you, God, can take this away
   B) I want you to take this away
   C) But they will be done.
Learn from the mistakes of others. Remember your reward in heaven for how you handled troubles.
2. Temptation. God NEVER tempts you. That is Satan, you have a choice. God can even make good come from that. After every spiritual victory be ever watchful for the low/temptation to come from Satan. It is not a sin to be tempted, Jesus was tempted. You have a choice; it’s how you react to temptation that causes sin. Everybody is tempted in the same way. God will give you strength; you have only but to ask. Every temptation is an opportunity to do well. To avoid temptation:
   1. Keep focused on good thoughts, not the temptation (passion). Follow the steps of Jesus; this will feed your passion with something else.
   2. Get a spiritual partner - someone to help and support you.
   3. Go to class 201!!!! :O)
3. Trespasses. (When somebody hurts you) God hates evil, "if you bring it to me I can turn it around and bring good out of it. You are never going to become like Jesus unless you learn to forgive. You are most like Christ when you suffer to save other people. This is the highest form of love. Am I going to trust God even when it just doesn’t make sense? Remember that God is in control. (? free will?). If we go thru the bad times with Jesus, we will go thru the good times with him as well.
The Book
you were created to become like Christ. This is the third purpose of your life. The bible says Jesus is "the exact likeness of God." Let me be absolutely clear: you will never become God, or even a god. Satan promised Adam and Eve if they followed his advice, "ye shall be as gods." Many religions and New Age philosophies still promote this old lie.
God wants you to become godly, not a god. Life is supposed to be difficult! It’s what enables us to grow.
Gods spirit working in you.
It is the Holy Spirits job to produce a Christ like manner in you. The Holy Spirit nudges you with a "gentle whisper." "For this is the secret, Christ lives in you." Choose to do the right thing, and then trust Gods Spirit to give you his power, love, faith, and wisdom to do it. It is always available for the asking. The Holy Spirit releases his power THE MOMENT. You take a step of faith. (Remember in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford had to take that first leap of faith? - this isn’t from the book, it just reminded me of it!) God wants for you to act first.
Our 3 responsibilities in becoming like Christ: 1st we must choose to let go of old ways of acting; 2nd we must change the way we think; and 3rd we must "put on" the character of Christ by developing new, and godly habits.
God’s Word provides the TRUTH we need to grow, Gods people provide the SUPPORT we need to grow, and circumstances provide the ENVIRONMENT we need to practice Christ likeness.
Many people assume all that is needed for spiritual growth is bible study and prayer. Remember - it’s all about love - loving God and loving others. Spiritual maturity will take the rest of your life. You are a work in progress. God wants to make you like himself before he takes you to heaven.

PDL 21

Congratulations Everyone! Today marks the end of both the third week, and Purpose #2!
The Video
The #1 reason for a failed church is gossip. Even Listening to gossip makes you a trouble maker according to the bible. You are just as guilty, because you are listening to the gossip.
The Audio
the four things people base their decisions on:
1. Circumstance
2. Convenience
3. Criticism (sp?)
4. Convictions - only these will last. Build your convictions on something that is going to last.
Here are six convictions for Why We Do What We Do at Saddleback Church:
1. it’s all about God. For the glory of God alone. If it’s all about God - then loving God is your biggest priority. Matt 22:37-39. 
Three reasons people don’t come to God:
   A. Materialism - when you love God more than things, people get irritated (sp?).
   B. Immoral lifestyle - they don’t want to stop what they are doing to turn to God
   C. Peer Pressure - what will my friends think?
2. Only the church will last forever. Everything in the universe was created by God for his family, his Glory.
3. Since we are all going to live together forever, we have to love others and the Church. Love is more important than anything else. More than any differences we may have. God loves unity. On the night before his death Jesus prayed for unity. John 17.
Your neighbor is the hardest one to love:
   A. People who are different
   B. People who are difficult
   C. People who are dangerous
God says love your enemies and do well to them. God is good to the wicked and ungrateful. Your enemies are those that disagree with you, harm you, and hate you. Every time you love the unlovely you will be rewarded in heaven. You are to love EVERYONE, just as Jesus did.
4. The whole world needs Jesus.
The greatest commission for Christians:
   A. Go. Go and make a disciple (says see PDL). Jesus said, "I will always be with you."
***Here he explains he is running out of time, so will rush to finish!
5. Everything is possible with God. "All things are possible to him that believes in God."
6. You are the biggest problem. You have a choice. You must believe in God.
The Book
it is your job to protect the unity of your church. Unity is the soul of fellowship. The bible says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
Focus on what we have in common, not our differences. God wants unity NOT uniformity. Conflict is usually a sign that the focus has shifted to less important issues. Paul said, "...I plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose."
Other believers will disappoint you and let you down. God tells us, "Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." Instead of leaving the church, we need to stay and work it out if at all possible. Besides, there is no perfect church to escape to.
Every church should put out a sign that says, "No perfect people need apply. This is a place for only for those who admit they are sinners, need grace, and want to grow." When you criticize what another believer is doing in faith and from sincere conviction, you are interfering with Gods business.
It’s the devils job to blame, complain, and criticize members of Gods family. Anytime we do the same we are being duped into doing Satan’s work for him.
Refuse to listen to gossip. People who will gossip TO you will also gossip ABOUT you. It is sad in Gods flock; the greatest wounds usually come from other sheep, not wolves.
During conflict, it’s tempting to complain to a third party rather than courageously speak the truth in love to the person your upset with, you should go directly to the person involved.
Support your pastor and leaders. "Honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love." God blesses churches that are unified.
Debi. :o)

PDL 20

Today will be a little strange due to two factors; 1) my audio quit at 50 min, and would not continue, and 2) the book and the audio are basically identical, so I just picked a few things from the book and added them. Here we go...
The Video
Forgiveness is immediate, trust is earned.
The Audio
Relationships are like bridges. Humility is the key to restoring almost all broken relationships. To God you are infinitely valued, but deeply flawed. Humility is loving God, and loving others as well. Quoted Matt22:37-39 (one on the list to be memorized). Satan doesn’t care WHY you don’t think about God and others - as long as you don’t.
Six things to do to rebuild a relationship:
1. Ask for Gods help. God opposes the proud, but gives Grace to the humble.
2. Affirm the other person’s value.
   A. Honor them. Listen to them.
   B. Validate their feelings, you don’t have to agree.
3. Acknowledge your responsibility and your sin. Stop playing the "blame game." Pride leads to EVERY OTHER VICE. The more pride you have the more you are annoyed by it in others. People naturally think of themselves first. A sign of spiritual maturity is to think of God and others first.
4. Allow the other person to be human. Humility is recognizing no one is perfect. If you are easily offended, you have a pride problem.
5. Adjust to their needs. Look out for one another’s interests rather than your own.
6. Abandon your own rights. (You will need Gods help with this one). On a personal level yield your rights to God. EVERYTHING belongs to God; we just get to use it for a while.
The Book
Relationships are always worth restoring. Paul wrote, "...Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends." "I'll put it as urgently as I can: you MUST get along with each other." Learn to be a peacemaker. Peacemaking is NOT avoiding conflict, it is also not appeasement: always giving in, acting like a doormat, and allowing others to always run over you.
How to restore a relationship...
No one can meet all your needs accept God. The apostle James noted that many of our conflicts are caused by prayerlessness. " do not have because you do not ask God."
God expects you to make the first move. Don’t wait for the other party. Go to them first. You are only hurting yourself with your anger.
Focus on their feelings, not the facts. Don’t try to talk people out of how they feel. Just listen and let them unload, even when you don’t agree. Let’s please the other fellow, not ourselves, and do what is for his good. 
Admit your own mistakes. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. Attack the problem, not the person. 
HOW you say it is as important as WHAT you say. Paul said, "Do not use harmful words, but only helpful that what you say will do well to those who hear you."
Paul said, "Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody." We can walk arm-in-arm without seeing eye-to-eye on every issue. Reconciliation means you bury the hatchet, not necessarily the issue.
Debi. :o)

PDL 19

The Video
Cultivating community: you should discuss with your group, as it is so rare. Small groups often have problems because they want to "make nice." You have to go thru the "tunnel of conflict" in order to have true fellowship.
The Audio
we believe we will be happy if we have independence. God says interdependence. Community is not optional. You cannot do it by yourself, you need one another. The greatest lesson in life is learning how to love.
1. You need others to walk with me. Work in wisdom, love, life, the spirit, etc... You were never meant to walk alone. Why?
   A. It’s safer
   B. Its supportive- when you run alone, you run Fast; when you run together you run Far.
   C. It’s smarter - we have to learn compromise. God hates loneliness. Everyone has a "longing for belonging."
2. You need others to work with you. Before we were even born God decided what gifts you would have. When you use your gifts you are doing what God put you here for. Two people are better than one because they get more done and it’s more fun!  Together we can make a difference. Everybody has a little part to play (in heaven).
Every time we get the chance let us work for the good of all. Look out for one another’s interests, not just your own. We need to watch out for each other. Pastor Rick was reading a report about 9/11 that said, in part "...we learned about an enemy that is sophisticated, patient, disciplined and lethal..." Just like Satan, who is your personal enemy who hates your guts, wants to hurt you, waste your days in shame, worry, guilt, and depression. His hatred of you is lethal. Is anybody watching your back?
4. We need others to wait and weep with us. (Wait for the bad news and weep when we get it). God’s safety net: you need a group of three or four people to support and pray for you. If one member suffers all suffer together. Community is Gods answer to despair.
5. We need others to witness with us. John 13 "...your love for one another will prove you are my disciples..." 2 Tim 1:17 " love and enjoy being with other people..."
Is anyone going to be in heaven because of you? Gods answer to fear is community.
"When you gather together, each one of you should be prepared with something for everyone; sing, teach a lesson, tell a story, lead a prayer, provide an insight...that way you all hear from each other."
The Book
Community requires commitment. Paul wrote, "I am writing these things to you... (So) you will know how to live in the family of God. That family is church."
You have to care enough to lovingly speak the truth. Often we know what needs to be said to someone, but our fears prevent us from saying anything. Solomon said, "An honest answer is a sign of true friendship." When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself."
Real fellowship depends on frankness. The bible says, "In the end, people appreciate frankness more than flattery." Frankness is not a license to say anything you want, it is not rudeness, and there is a right time and a right way to do everything." The bible says, "Clothe you with humility toward one another..."
Live in harmony with each other. Don’t try to act important, but enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think that you know it all!"
Courtesy is respecting our differences, being considerate of each other’s feelings, and being patient with people who irritate us. The truth I s we all have quirks and annoying traits. The basis for our fellowship is our relationship to God: We are family. Another part of courtesy is not downplaying other people’s doubts.
Confidentiality means that what is shared in your group needs to stay in your group. You must have frequent, regular contact with your group, to build deep relationships. If you are a member of a small group, I urge you to make a group covenant that includes the nine characteristics of biblical fellowship. (Sorry guys, there is just No Way I’m going to type all them, there all in the book. If you don’t have the book have someone read them to you. They are important, but l-o-n-g!).
Debi. :o)

PDL 18

The Video
whenever you share a joy, it is doubled. Whenever you share sadness it is split in half.
God uses relationships to build character in your life, making you more Christ like.
The Audio
the whole world is getting connected. We are disconnected with each other. God said man was not meant to be alone (Gen 2:18). Fellowship is soul to soul connection. We all need a dose of human contact every day. You have to have this in your life to really live.
Church is not a place to attend, but a place to connect. The church is like:
1. a brick in a building - all the connected parts support each other.
2. Parts of a body - we belong to each other.
   A. You are unique
   B. We all have different roles to play
   C. We are all needed - there are no little people, you are all needed
   D. We all belong to each other
   E. We all need to be connected to each other; all of the parts (of the body) grow together. Col 2:19 we grow as we get our nourishment from God
3. We are like sheep in a flock - the good shepherd (Jesse) lays down his life for his flock. In every church God gives people; pastors, group leaders, shepherd leaders, etc... To shepherd the flock. To give personal attention to and help each person, encouraging others.
-There we a lot of guest speakers today, so the audio notes may be a little shorter than usual.-
4. It is like being a member of a family; we are to love each other as brothers and sisters. Were not to be just spectators, but to participate. He related the theme song to Cheers to the church.
Praying for others is the quickest way to put your own problems in perspective.
Why should you stay disconnected?
1st - commit to Christ, then
2nd - commit to a church family
The Book
when it comes to fellowship, size matters. Smaller is better. God said "For where 2 or 3 have gathered in my name, I am there in their midst."
Authentic fellowship is genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut-level sharing. Authenticity is the exact opposite of what you find in some churches. There is pretending, role-playing, politicking, and superficial politeness but shallow conversation. These attitudes are the death of real fellowship.
Make this your common practice: confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.
The way God designed our bodies is a model of understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part. Your faith will help me and my faith will help you.
The Bible says "as holy sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle and patient." Every time you understand and affirm someone's feelings, you build fellowship. The Bible commands "Share each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the laws of Christ."
God says "When people sin, you should forgive and comfort them, so they won't give up in despair." God warns: “Never hold grudges." The Bible says, "You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."
Debi. :o)

PDL 17

The Video
you need to be part of a local church family. There are 58 commandments in the bible you cannot obey unless you are an active member of a local church. You are called, not just to believe, but to belong.
The Email
1. Study the bible - we need to make His Word part of our daily lives. God’s word is inspired.
2. Maintain a quiet time - what do you need to do to spend some time daily in God’s word?
3. Read Christian Books - do yourself a favor and learn all you can. Gain from the wisdom and experience of other believers.
4. be faithful to a small group of believers - We need the support and encouragement of other believers.
The Audio
Church is a family which will outlast your human family. You cannot be in the family of Christ without being a member of a church family. He quotes the Book of Acts in the bible telling how the church went from 129 people, to over 10's of thousands of people in 25 years.
Some churches just preach the Message, but not the Method of how growing a church is accomplished. There are over 10,000 mega churches (over 2,000 members), in the U.S. today.
In Acts 5:42 it says they met daily in Temple Courts (courtyards), and house to house. Large group (church) = worship, Small groups = fellowship.
Signs of a healthy small group:
1. Study the bible - talk it over
2. Fellowship and eat tighter
3. Share communion, The Lords Supper. (1 Cor 11) the purpose of communion with others is to promote openness to God
4. Pray for each other. Sometimes you are going thru hard times and are just so depressed or down that you can't pray for yourself, but your small group prays for you.
5. Help each other in practical ways (with food, errands, rides, babysitting, etc...)
6. Worship together
7. Invite others to Church. Introduce others to Jesus. We want EVERYBODY to participate. (Didn’t I just read that somewhere?!!!)
The Book
A lot of what the book says was already mentioned in the Audio, so I will only mention those that were not in the Audio.
You will miss the second purpose of your life if you are not attached to a living, local church. The first symptom of spiritual decline is usually inconsistent attendance at worship services and other gatherings of believers.
Jesus said "I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it." The person who says "I don’t need the church," is either arrogant or ignorant. The Bible calls the church "the bride of Christ" and "the body of Christ". God commands us to love the church as much as Jesus does.
The New Testament assumes membership in a local congregation. Today’s culture has created many spiritual orphans - bunny believers who hop around one church to another. Many believe one can be "a good Christian" without attending a local church, but God would strongly disagree.
You are not "the Body of Christ" on your own. Together, not separated, we are his body. The local church is a lab for practicing unselfish, sympathetic love.
A place to belong. Biblical fellowship is being as committed to each other is we are to Jesus Christ. We are committed to: love, pray, encourage, admonish, greet, serve, teach, accept, honor, forgive, submit and be devoted to one another. These are your "family responsibilities" that God expects you to fulfill through a local fellowship.
We need more than the bible to grow, we need other believers. The church is Gods instrument on earth. Christ works through us in the world. A church family will keep you from backsliding. James tells us, "If you know people who have wandered off from Gods truth, don’t write them off. Go after them."
Satan loves disattached believers, because he knows they are defenseless and powerless against his tactics. God designed his church specifically to help you fulfill the five purposes he has for your life. Worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism.
You’re Choice. You can spend a lifetime searching for the perfect church, but you will never find it. The Christian life is more than just a commitment to Christ; it includes a commitment to other Christians.
Debi. :o)

PDL 16

The Audio
what matters MOST to God? All that matters is your faith that makes you love others. Love matters MOST. Please read the most important passage on Love in the Bible, 1Cor 13.
Words without love are just noise. Nothing you; say-know-believe-give-or accomplish without Love matters. Belief in Jesus is NOT enough, you must have Love. The GREATEST COMMANDMENT in the bible is Matt 22:37.
What IS Love?
1 love is a command, NOT an emotion.
2 loves is a choice. Acting in love when you don’t feel like it is the highest love. Love is giving what is needed, not what is deserved. This is called Grace. 
3 loves is a conduct, something you DO.
4 loves is a commitment. Keep on loving. Grow in love. WARNING: God WILL test you. God’s love will last a lifetime. We all have a lot of growing to do in mature love. Here are five things you can do to become a great lover:
1. Learn how mature love acts and responds.
2. Start your day with a daily reminder to love.
3. Memorize what God says about Love.
4. Practice acting in unselfish, loving ways.
5. Get support from other loving people.
Let Love be your greatest aim. There is no fear in love. The bible says ", hope, loves, but the greatest of these is Love."
The Book
Life is all about love. The most important how to love. Show special love for Gods people. The bible says, "Let love be your greatest aim."
Another reference is made to the greatest commandment, mentioned in the audio, Matt 22:37.
Life minus love equals zero. Love will last forever. what we will be evaluated on in eternity. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. The best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E". Love means giving up - ...time for the benefit of someone else.
The best time to love is now.
You have no guarantee of tomorrow. If you want to express love, you had better do it now.
Mom said that I did not spell out the following:
Purpose #1: learn to love God - which is Worship.
Purpose #2: learn to love one another - which are Fellowship.
Don't know how I missed actually spelling it out but there it is.
Special thanks to Kathy for forwarding "the one minute sermon". Love to you all,
Debi. :o)

PDL 15

Welcome to Purpose #2!
From the Email
"So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly..." Heb 12:1b
We have to simplify our lives. If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy. He'll even keep you SO busy doing good things that you won’t have time for the best things. Don’t try to do it all. Do what matters most. Simplify.
From The Video
Purpose #2: You were formed for Gods Family. Once you are in Gods Family, you are ALWAYS in Gods Family.
From The Audio
you were created in the image of God. God created us because he wanted a family. God made all things. All things are made for his glory. Everyone is created by God, but not everyone is a part of Gods family. If you CHOOSE you can become a part of Gods family, thru Jesus Christ. The Family of God is the Church. Your spiritual family will far outlast your human family. You have family responsibilities. You have to learn to love one another, this is called Fellowship.
There are four levels of fellowship; the shallowest level is
1 fellowship of sharing together. In your small group be prepared with something for all (an experience, an observation, a comment), so that each of you SHARES with the group, not just one person running things. (! that what it SAID! O))
2 fellowship of belonging together (a commitment). You belong in Gods household (church) with every other believer. The person who loves God MUST love other believers also.
3 fellowship of serving together. Join forces, pool resources, partner for a purpose. God never meant for you to serve alone. You will never learn your purpose alone.
4 fellowship of suffering. Love grows deepest when you are sharing your suffering together. It brings us together, unifies people. Share each other’s pain.
Life is about learning to Love. Learning to love God is WORSHIP. Learning to love each other is FELLOWSHIP. The four levels of fellowship are: friendship, membership, partnership and kinship. We are all children of God in the faith of Jesus.
The Book
YOU WERE FORMED FOR GODS FAMILY. He identifies himself in family terms: Father, Son, and Spirit. When we place our faith in Christ, God becomes our Father
we become his children, other believers become our brothers and sisters, and the Church becomes our spiritual family. The Bible says "You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
Benefits of Being in Gods Family
The Bible says "since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you." As children of God we get to share in the family fortune. Your eternal inheritance is priceless, pure, permanent, and protected.
Baptism: Identifying with Gods Family. Baptism is not an optional ritual. Your baptism declares your faith, symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ. Baptism doesn’t make you a member of Gods family, only faith in Christ does that. Baptism shows you are part of Gods family. The only biblical condition is that you believe. Being included in Gods family is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you will ever receive.
Here’s a little something extra:
Go to you tube and type in "bball1989", this guy is great! Listen to the one called I hate religion, but I love Jesus. All of his stuff is great. Also give a listen to the Christian musician Chris Tomlin. I found both last night by accident. Enjoy!
Debi. :o)

PDL 14

The Video
Sometimes God removes his presence to TEST YOUR FAITH. You determine a man’s greatness by what it takes to discourage him.
The Audio 
Pastor Rick tells the story of Job (found in Job Chapters 1 and 2).
This audio was recorded four days after 9/11, so he speaks a bit about that.
When everything is in crises, what should we do? Two words: Worship God. When your heart is breaking - Worship God. EVERYTHING was taken from Job, IN ONE SINGLE DAY, and his response? He knelt with his face to the ground and Worshipped God.
How do you Worship God in a time of crisis? Here are 4 things to do:
1 Tell God EXACTLY how you feel. Let it all come out. God can handle all of your emotions. Complaining to God is an act of worship and faith.
2 Praise God IN SPITE of the circumstances. There are some things that just will not be explained until we get to the other side. If everything went wrong in your life would you STILL trust God? Read Romans 8:38-39 (only one paragraph). "Nothing can separate us from the Love of God". He will fulfill what he has planned for me. Goodness ALWAYS overcomes evil in the end.
3 You ask God for strength and help. "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek his face always."  Worrying is assuming a responsibility that God NEVER MEANT us to have. Read Psalm 63. Focus on God.
4 Keep FOCUSSED on God, and his promises. God made 6,000 promises to us in the Bible. Keep focused and that will GIVE YOU HOPE. 
   1 All troubles are TEMPORARY
   2 God is using (our troubles) for an eternal purpose
   3 we are keeping our eyes on God
Jesus Christ said "By focusing on me ... you will be deeply in peace." We should have an unshakeable belief in the Kingdom of God.
Then Pastor Rick put serious emphasis on Baptism.
Did you read the questions, quotes and bible verses following the Audio?
The Book
God is real no matter how you feel. It is easy to worship God when things are going great. The deepest level of worship is praising God during a trial or when tempted. God will test you with seeming periods of separation. St. John of the Cross referred to it as "the dark night of the soul." God has promised repeatedly, "I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you." But God has NOT promised "you will always feel my presence." God admits that sometimes he hides his face from us. It is a test of faith - one we must all face.
(I didn’t know where in the heck to break that paragraph - sorry it was so long!)
God is more concerned that you TRUST him than that you FEEL him.
Tell God EXACTLY how you feel. Unload every emotion. Job did this when he said, "I can’t be quiet! I am angry and bitter. I have to speak!" God can handle your doubt, anger, fear, grief, confusions and questions.
Trust God to keep his promises. When you feel abandoned by God yet continue to trust him in spite of your feelings, you worship him in the deepest way.
Remember what God has already done for you. Jesus gave up everything so you could have everything. Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.
Debi :o)

PDL 13

The Video
- God loves variety
The Audio
what does God really want from us? A love affair. God loves you; he wants you to love Him.
Worship is expressing your love to God. Here are 6 ways to express your love to God:
1 by singing to him there are more songs written about God than anything else.
(Pastor Rick then asked a number of people to define what worship meant to them)
2 by talking to Him.  What do you talk to him about? Everything. Prayer is a privilege takes the time to pray.
3 by listening to him. Be quiet and take the time to LISTEN. Do it thru the bible, thru your experiences, thru other people.
4 by publically identifying with Him. You are not ashamed of him, share him with others. Have the ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. Nothing can change your life the way that Jesus can. Baptism is a way to do this, when you go under you signifies the death of your old life, when you come up you signify the birth of a new life in Jesus.
5 being committed to Him. Take your ordinary day to day life and commit it to God.
6 by giving to him. You cannot love without giving. God tests the sincerity of your love by your giving. (He means by giving money to the church).
He puts a lot of emphasis in going to church; the singing, communion, baptism, giving.
The Book
GOD WANTS ALL OF YOU. Read Mark 12:30.
The four kind of worship that please God is:
1 God is pleased when our worship is ACCURATE. We cannot just create our own image of God and worship it. That is idolatry. "To Worship in truth" means to worship God the way he is truly revealed in the bible.
2 God is pleased when our worship is AUTHENTIC. Worship must be genuine and heartfelt. Worship engages our emotions - but those emotions must be genuine, not faked. We cannot worship him insincerely; both spirit and truth are required. The best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents you love for God, based on the background and personality God gave you. There is no "one size fits all" approach to worship and friendship with God.
3 God is pleased when our worship is THOUGHTFUL. If worship is mindless, it is meaningless. You must engage your mind.
4 God is pleased when your worship is PRACTICAL. We are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. He wants you to live for Him. Real worship is rooted in The Word. God is pleased with different sacrifices in worship; thanksgiving, praise, humility, repentance, offerings of money, prayer, serving others, and sharing with those in need. Real worship costs. Worship takes effort and energy. When you praise God even when you don’t feel like it, when you’re tired, when you help others, when you are worn out. That pleases God.
Debi. :o)

PDL 12

The Audio
- the notes are a little confusing because the audio jumped all over the place.
Think about how much God has given you. Read Matt 8:8.
God linked faith to obedience. Follow all directions of the Lord. (Some of) Gods promises if you obey him, He will:
Bless you
save you
Watch over you
Help you
give you what you ask for
God says if you follow my directions, I will do these things for you.
When you don’t understand Gods directions, you should do them anyway - for he knows what is best for you.
Obedience - How to Receive the Promises of God:
1. Obey God IMMEDIATLY. You don’t have to understand to benefit - even with a bad attitude - you do the RIGHT thing, no matter what. Delayed obedience is disobedience. It means you are questioning God.
2. You must obey him COMPLETELY. The oldest temptation is to doubt Gods word. God cares about the details. He cares why and how you obey him.
3. You must obey God JOYFULLY and with faith. Loving God is doing what he wants you to do. God measures your love by your obedience, NOT by what you say.
4. You must obey God CONTINUALLY, for the rest of your life. Faith without action is dead.
Bible quote, Colossians 3:23, written by Paul, the Apostle: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man."  Do whatever God tells you to do even if it doesn't make sense. Not all people who sound religious are godly.
The Book
Choose to be honest with God. God doesn't expect you to be perfect, but he does insist on complete honesty about your faults and feelings.
Why would I want to be Gods friend if he allowed THIS? God ALWAYS acts in your best interest, even when it is painful and you don’t understand it. Tell God EXACTLY how you feel. Every possible emotion is in the Psalms.
Choose to obey God in FAITH. John 15:14 "You are my friends if you do what I command." We obey God because we LOVE him and trust he knows what is best for us. We obey out of love. God treasures simple acts of obedience more than our prayers, praise or offerings.
Choose to VALUE what God values. The more you become Gods friend, the more you will care about the things he cares about. Friends of God tell their friends about God.
You MUST desire friendship with God more than anything else. David said "Your love means more to God than life." God loves it when we are passionate with him. You are as close to God as you choose to be. Pain is the fuel of passion - it energizes us with an intensity to change that we don’t normally possess.
Debi. :o)

PDL 11

The Audio
How to be connected with God: have a constant conversation with Him; make it a part of your daily life.
In John 15:07 Jesus promises " if you stay joined (connected) with me, and my words remain in you, you can ask ANY REQUEST you like, and it will be granted."
Now I know some of you are saying I pray all the time and don't get what I ask for. I can explain it. You have to remember God's time is not linear all things occur at once to God. So when you ask for something, to you it may seem to take a long time to happen, but for God it is only the blink of an eye.
(From today’s email read Romans 8:38-39, its only one paragraph, but it is quite moving?)
The bible is God's Word. Stay in the bible, read it daily, study it, think about it, memorize it. Prayer was given us to connect with God. 

How to really connect with God 
1 be still. Quiet yourself God is with us in all times and places.
2 connect with God through; love of nature, art, music, tradition and ritual, using your creativity, etc...
2. be sincere. You have to be honest, sincere, genuine and from the heart. Things that prevent you from connecting with God:
1. trying to impress others
2. Focus on other people
3. Trying to impress God
3. be simple. No need to repeat yourselves or use big/religious words. Be yourself. As you close your prayers say "but they will be done".
4. Believe that God will answer. Have confidence in God’s grace, you do this thru Jesus Christ.
The Book
God wants to be your Best Friend. That God would want us for a close friend is hard to understand, but the Bible says he is a God who is passionate about his relationship with you.

Becoming a best friend of God. Through constant conversation. Friendship with God is built by sharing all your life experiences with him. Praying without ceasing is conversing with God well performing everyday tasks. Of course you need time alone with God but that is only a fraction of your waking hours. Everything you do can be spending time with God. Change your attitude toward what you do. We haven't learned to practice his presence all the time. This is God's ideal. Pray shorter conversational prayers continually throughout the day. You must force yourself to think about God at different times in your day you must train your mind to remember God. We don't praise God to feel good, but to do well.
You can’t love God unless you know Him and you can’t know him without knowing His word. When you think about Gods word over and over in your mind that is meditation.
Debi. :o)

PDL 10

I missed some of the audio as my audio messed up.
The Audio
God never intended your life to be an easy Coast. Life is a dangerous surrender.
Your life can be radically different, when you say YES to God.  The 3 reasons people don't say yes to God are:
1 ignorance when you don't know what God is really like, you worry.
2 idolatry anything you put above God.
3 insecurity when you need to be in control.
The Lord is good to everyone. Everything God does in your life is due to His love for you.
God says "I want you to trust me". This is for your good, for your future and for your hope - not evil.
Sin is "I", it’s all about me. Even Pastor Rick says the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up is himself. When you say YES LORD I will follow you, BUT FIRST ... that is putting YOU first, not God. Who is going to be first in your life you or God?
Surrender is not giving up but giving in. God is not safe, but he is good.
I goggled Faith: faith in God is making the words of God the main determining factor for every action you take weather you know the outcome or not. Faith is belief that is not based on proof.
Trust - God WILL catch you, you WILL NOT fall.
The Book
The heart of worship is surrender. After spending 11 chapters of the book of Romans explaining gods incredible grace to us, Paul says in Romans 12:1 " Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship."
I goggled Romans 12:1 and it says that it means, in part, "Believers need to commit their entire being to God".
We misunderstand the meaning of surrender. What it means to surrender...(the dictionary defines surrender as "to give oneself up to the power of another". Surrendering is best demonstrated in obedience. You say yes Lord to whatever he asks of you. Another aspect of a fully surrendered life is trust.
The Bible says "Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him." You also know you're surrendered when you don't react to criticism and rush to defend yourself.  The Supreme example of self surrender is Jesus. The night before his crucifixion Jesus prayed "God, if it is in your best interest to remove this suffering, please do so. But if it fulfills your purpose, that what I want, too." surrender is not the best way to live, it is the only way to live. Nothing else works. There is a moment of surrender and there is the practice of surrender. You must make it a daily habit. Jesus said, "If people want to follow me, they must give up the things they want. They must be willing to give up their lives daily to follow me."
Let me warn you: that decision will be tested.
Thank you for all the feedback yesterday, it was really enlightening to hear your points of view.
Debi. :o)


The notes on the audio are not very long because the book is almost exactly the same. I apologize for all the bible quotes yesterday, there is only 1 today.

Okay here we go the audio 

the most misunderstood word in the Bible is worship. What it really means is when we bring pleasure to God we worship Him. Worship is living a life pleasing to God. Hebrew 13 verse 16. Take risks for God it give him pleasure. When we step out and do what he asks and trust him completely that is worship. Serve the Lord joyfully. Say God today I want to run back into your arms.

The book 
the smile of God is the goal of your life. Smile on me your servant teach me the right way to live. The Bible says figure out what would please Christ and then do it.
Here are the 5 act of worship that make God smile:
1 God smiles when we love him supremely.
2 God smiles when we trust him completely. The Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God.
3 God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly. This means do whatever God asks without reservations or hesitation. You don't procrastinate and say I'll pray about that. You do it without delay. We please God by what we do and not only by what we believe. Trusting God completely means having faith that he knows what is best for your life.
4 God smile when we praise and thank him continually. We praise God for who he is and we thank God for what He has done. When we Express enjoyment to God it also increases our joy.
5 God smiles when we use our abilities. God enjoys watching every detail of your life. Whether you are working playing resting or eating. God especially enjoys watching you use the talents and abilities he has given you. You bring him enjoyment by being you. Start using your abilities for God's pleasure. Every act of enjoyment becomes an act of worship when you thank God for it. God loves you as if you were the only person on earth. He loves and enjoys you at every stage of your spiritual development.
Will you make God the goal of your life? There is nothing God won't do for the person totally absorbed in this goal.
There was nothing on 2 days email that was really helpful.

Everyone has decided to continue doing this everyday and off on Sunday. I am now one day behind on the emails. Tomorrow I will do Day 10. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Debi. :o)


Things are going to start to get a little more difficult now that we have started with purpose number 1. So please try to bare with me.

The audio 
you were created for God's enjoyment. 
God wants you to love him back. The first and greatest commandment is (read) Matthew 27:37-38
Worship is defined as giving back to God it is our response to God’s love.
Read Psalm 139:1-6
God is always focused on you focus your attention on God. How can I express my affection to God? Establish a daily time for God. Read Matthew 6:6
Pray the following prayer every morning:
God, I want to know you a little better, and Love you a little more today. Amen
God wants us to be grateful. Thank him throughout the day for all the big and little things he does for you; no line at the store; you hit all green lights; there were no bills in the mail today, etc...Just say Thank You God. Think about Him throughout your day. Keeps a constant conversation going with Him all day?
You are not FULLY you until you give yourself completely to God. Show your Love by your actions. Read Colossians 3:23
In life it's not what you do that matters, it is who you do it 4. God doesn't care what you do what you're interested in but do it for God.
The biggest temptation and the worst sin are to love anything more than God. Read Psalm 37
The number 1 goal of your life is getting to know and love God.
From The Book
you were planned for God's pleasure. Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship. Worship is a lifestyle. Worship is not for your benefit; our goal is to bring pleasure to God. God's heart is not touched by tradition in worship, but by passion and commitment. Read Isaiah 29:13
Worship is not a part of your life it is your life. We are told to worship Him continually and you praise Him from sunrise to sunset. How is it possible to do everything for the glory of God? Do everything as if you were doing it for Jesus carry on a continual conversation with him while you do it. Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God. Falling in love with Jesus is what real worship is about.
Now something new from the author of the PDL from 2 days email.
1 many people do not want to let God into their lives because they fear he will make them give up everything that is fun.
2 God richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
3 how do you respond to the truth that God's love is extravagant lavish and beyond comprehension?

I know you're saying thank goodness it's finally over! Have a great day!
Debi. :o)


I am SO EXCITED that tomorrow begins Day 8, and Purpose #1!
The Audio for Today
God has a purpose for your life.
It is in Christ that we find out who we are.
You were made by God for God.
Life is preparation 4 eternities.

1 God planned me for his pleasure.
God made you to love you. Pray every day to know God a little bit better and to love him a little bit more. Stress is a warning that you are disconnected from God.
2 God made you to be a part of his spiritual family. This is your choice, however...  love God and learn to love others.
3 God created you to become like Christ. To be Godly in character. God can bring good out of bad. Every problem has a purpose. We need to grow up and be spiritually mature. We need a deeper life.
4 God shaped me to serve Him. God gave you your talents to help each other. You serve God by serving others.
5 God made you for a mission in life. God says those who embrace my ways are blessed. Everyone needs a real reason for hope.
Do you have a relationship with God?
You can follow Christ and still have doubts.
God does not care about religion.

I have not mentioned many points in the book because they are all covered in the audio.
It's all for him. God's glory is best scene in Jesus Christ. Living for God's glory is the greatest achievements we can accomplish with our lives.
None of us has giving God the full glory he deserves. This is the worst sin and the biggest mistake we can make.
First believe. Second receive. Jesus will give you everything you need to live for him.


The audio 
the seasons of life 
1 are beyond my control 
2 are often confusing 
3 god has a purpose 
4 seasons of life include both good and bad times 
5 what I sow in one season, I reap in another
The only thing you take with you is your character.
There will always be more lessons 
God is all you need 
make the best of your time 
learn to be content in every season
whenever you are able help others 
if you wait for the perfect time it will never come 
life must be lived right now.

The book 
I am here on earth for just a little while 
you are just visiting Earth 
God warns us not to get too attached to what’s around us because it is temporary.
It takes faith to live on earth as a foreigner.
At death you won’t leave home - you’ll go home.


 First a few opening remarks. 1 we all realize that we have busy lives, there for doesn’t feel bad if you fell behind it happens to all of us. this isn't too much work for me I enjoy it. 3 don't feel like you have to comment every day.
The audio
see things from God's perspective. My worldview is the beliefs that I build my life upon. Your worldview determines everything. Your worldview is the most important tool you have. When you change your worldview the old passes away and a new life has begun.
Always be prepared to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope in you. 1Peter 3:15
1 be careful how you think, your thoughts shape your lives. 2 pay attentions to God's revelation and you will be blessed. 3 are able to explain your worldview.
1 learn the truth
2 discern what is false
3 turn from the world to the word 4 concern yourself with God's agenda.
God says put me as the first thing in your life and I will take care of the rest.
The way you see your life shape your life. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world but let God transform you inwardly buy a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God. All of life is a test you are always being tested. Nothing is insignificant in your life. Even the smallest incident has significance.
1 Corinthians 10:13
Psalm 24:1
We never really know anything God just loans the earth to us.
1 Corinthians 4:2
Everything you do even simple daily chores has the eternal implications.
Money is both a test and a trust from God.
Luke 16:11
What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God?
(I did not type out the scripture, rather I wrote it for you to look up. In other where I wrote Luke 16:11, I mean for you to look it up.)
Chapter 5 was so long that I am now a day behind. Sorry everybody!
Debi. :o)


My audio stopped in the middle so I will be missing some parts of it.
The Audio
Is there hope? You need hope to cope. God is the source of hope.
God's mercies are new every day. God is doing good things in my life.
WE KNOW - it is a certainty. All things work together for good. God is working in you. What God starts he finishes.
God's place is waiting for me. Heaven is a real place. When we grieve we don't grieve for them they are in a better place. We grieve for ourselves.
There is far more to life than just here and now. God’s plans endure forever.
There are 2 kinds of people, those who say to God thy will be done; and those to whom God says “alright then do it your way."
God's plans endure forever; his purposes last eternally." it would be wiser to live each day as if it were the last day of your life.
I thought the testimony of the woman who lost her husband was very moving. And showed how what we are learning is for real